Sunday, December 30, 2012

Catching hard to do, when ART is not your only interest

I am ashamed, I admit, that I have never been able to find a single niche and stick to it. Instead I start many things at once without a single focus for very long and in the end, I find myself scrambling to catch up on all the tasks that get left behind on many other interests. 

It's true one of my biggest fears or anxiety in life is always "running out of time" and yet it does not keep me from juggling way too much for one person.  So there was a time, in the last decade when creating ART was my sole focus, and before that it was handcrafted JEWELRY however, since then, I took on so many other interests such as Private Investigation, an AMSOIL dealership, an AMAZON store, an eBAY store, an eBAY Trading Assistant Service, Notary Service, Affiliate Marketing, 6 or 7 other blogs, Multiple Websites to manage, and I am sure I have forgotten something, and why yes! a FULL TIME Job since I was 16! and many, many of those years I had multiple jobs on the side. Perhaps I am a "do" aholic. It sounds much better than workaholic. The truth is I recognized at one time the things I am really good at and so I want to do them all. Is that so bad? Well it can be. I can stop at anytime during the day and easily come up with 40 things on a list I want to do, not need, but want. The problem...Never enough time! Usually when I come home from work, I am working all over again for my customers, sometimes until midnight.

So I am finally getting to my point, and the way I feel about a niche and time. I can't resist the urge to dive into EVERYTHING and yet, it is really hard work to do all of these things at once, and yet I can't put one single thing completely away for good. It is a struggle of mine that I have been working on for many years. So, here I am again, focusing on Art again. I am back, and the proof is in this very article. It is true it takes me about a year to get there again after going full circle, because everything else keeps me so busy, and yet Art is my one true love, the one thing that I really feel is relaxing, and therapeutic, enjoyable, not stressful and yet, I can't seem to just focus on just Art.

I have several fellow Artists I stay in communication with and I admire them very much for their drive, their focus, their tenacity to push themselves to the limits but they always staying focused on one thing ART. That like I said is my weakness. I want to do it all and there is never enough time.

I have too many interests, I always have, even in my teens, 20's, 30's and well now, I am giving away my age and you know as you get older time runs out...LOL!

Well, I won't bore you any longer, I just wanted to post a few paintings that I was never able to update you with on my blog because I was doing so many other things, and with that I will end this personal rant. I hope you enjoy them. I will be back soon enough, if I don't lose focus:-)

DUNE STORM custom work for a Loyal Collector

RAMBLING RIVER ROCK Inspired by our New Kitchen Remodel


KEEP ME CLOSE dedicated to Miss Chloe Bauguess - Dad says thanks for the sweet note.

AFTER THE STORM - Inspired by Hurricane Sandy 2012