Saturday, June 12, 2010

Slide Shows - A Creative Presentation Tool to Display and Market your Art Gallery and More

You can make use of a slide show to deliver a vivid presentation of visual images combined with music, text icons, blurbs, and more.  Typical ideas for a slide show can include developing a showcase of your fondest memories,  your children as they grow up year by year, your original art, your collectibles that are for show, or great moments in your life, such as family or work outings and gatherings, commencement, wedding and sport events.  The possibilities are really absolutely endless, when you think about it.

Many Photo imaging software products include in the user toolbar a selection to create a slide show, however, if you don't have these resources available, don't worry, Just go to and start creating  your own personalized Slide Show today!  Don't be intimidated by all the features if it's your first time creating a Slide Show, it takes time to learn all the features and functions and it may take some practice. 

Slide Shows have the ability to move people deeply by presenting your photos in an extraordinarily, creative way. It is a creative project that everyone should try at least once. With all the options available such as selecting and changing the order of your photos, the ability to change the music at anytime and even to change the way the slide show images transition and how long of a duration before they transition, you can customize it to your selective and personal taste. Many slide show software and programs allow you to send the Slide Show by email and share immediately with others.   

One of my favorite features about Slide Shows is that if you save your presentation in HTML code format and you place it on websites, blogs or social networking sites, anytime you update your Slideshow if it is using an online program such as, it will automatically update your Slide Show. Now that is awesome!  Who doesn't like less work! 

Take a look at my own Slide Show of my Original Contemporary and Abstract Art so you can have an idea of what a completed Slide Show will look like, however, keep in mind, everything is customizable so no two slide shows are alike.

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