Monday, January 5, 2009

A Great Start to the New Year 2009

It was a Great Start to the New Year 2009 on January 3rd. I sold one of my paintings that is not only one of personal favorite creations, but also one of my most admired paintings. Mercy Beneath No. 0049 was painted on four panels that are 8 inches wide and 24 inches high (24" x 32 x .75) It was created using Burnt Sienna, and Olive acrylic paint utilizing some acrylic mediums for texture. It is a very earthy painting.

It sold to buyer in San Carlos, CA from one my many online web portals BOUNDLESS GALLERY. In the last few months of 2008, my art sales started to pick up and it really energized me to continue working on new works of art for 2009. My goal for 2009 is to Have at least 60 works of new art created and published. I love to paint.

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