Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Java-Time" - A Past Favorite

Back in November of 2006, I painted a painting titled "Java-Time." It is one of my old favorites only because it was one of those paintings I just could not put down. I kept adding and adding to it and could never quite put it down, until my husband made me.

I came up with the name for this painting because at the time we had just started to visit Starbucks and other local coffee shops and while i was painted it, I kept thinking this reminds me of swirling caramel, whipped cream, coffee and lots of flavor! I guess the circles and swirls also reminded me of a latte being whipped up, round and round. As you can see there are copper accents and I love to paint with copper, it's reflections in the light are so cool. Anyhow, I put this painting on eBay and although I was happy it found an grateful new owner, since it was one of first 7 paintings and had spent countless hours and days on it. I was sad to see it go.

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