Thursday, January 15, 2009

Painting with a set Plan...not always with Abstract work

Sometimes I have thought of something that I am interested in painting, and I will either sketch in a notebook of mine or I will sketch on the canvas. Once the music comes on or the weather changes, it's almost as if it affects the whole outcome of your creation. Your plan falls apart, but not completely. A new creation begins to emerge with a whole new idea, a whole new design, and sometimes even new colors. It made me think that maybe I should just not think ahead, and instead just grab the canvas and paint with the paintbrushes and start painting.

It's seem sometimes so much effort takes place when you plan, and of course somethings you have to plan, but with painting, a new opinion is beginning to form in my mind, it's just best to start with a clear mind vs. having an idea in your head. Well at least for me personally, my better, more admired works happen to be those paintings where it was just spontaneous works of art.

As you can see an example in the photo of day where I started out without a plan, but it progressed farther than the average day of using acrylics and brush... I used fun coins, tissue, burlap, etc.. in this painting.

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